TD Wealth

Notional trading

Bringing flexibility into the trading experience

Role Overview

Role Activities
  • UX and UI Design
  • Accessibility Integration
Key Responsibilities
  • Analyzing requirements
  • Collaborating with stakeholders
  • Creating wireframes and prototypes
  • Ensuring screen reader accessibility
  • Product Owners
  • Developers
  • Quality Engineers
  • Business Analysts
  • Copywriters
  • UX Researchers

Project overview

Problem Statement

Traditionally, investors using TD investment platforms were restricted to trading securities in whole units, limiting their investment options and market access. This constraint hindered their ability to implement flexible investment strategies.


As the Lead Product Designer, I headed the design initiatives to empower TD Wealth clients in their mobile trading experience, enabling users to trade using either dollar amounts or share quantities. This innovation, a first for the TD mobile app, provides a uniform experience across over 70 different trading scenarios, simplifying a complex system into an intuitive user interface.

Collection of use cases


The new model in the experience aligns with investors’ mental models and budgetary constraints, offering unmatched flexibility in trading.

It has positioned TD as a leader in trading flexibility while forecasting a a $177MM revenue increase over 5 years.

Design Process

Within the Mobile Investment Pod, I integrated my design methodology with TD’s established Digital Development process, adhering to an agile framework. In my role I was pivotal in guiding the team towards a robust user experience that incorporated design principles, quantitative data, and insights from UX Research.


Framing the context

On every project I take on I start by understanding the context, including the problem statement, target audience, and business objectives. By analyzing investment practices, tracking data, and user research reports, I laid the groundwork for informed design decisions.

Analyzed topics

  • Investment practices
  • Company’s tracking data on trading metrics
  • Investment foundations
  • Company goals and revenue benefits
  • User research reports on investment customers

Yield insights in:

User Challenges

  • Limited when trading securities
  • Dependence on calculators

Business Challenges

  • Navigating Market Competition
  • Managing Trading complexity

Exploration and UX Research

Designing the Right Solution

As I started exploring ideas on a solution. I leveraged the results of my discovery to help me stay focused on the problem to solve and design within the business constraints.

Design Principles

To further direct and strategize my thinking, I followed Aarron Walter’s Hierarchy of User Needs and created a list of design principles that would help achieve a solution that was functional, reliable, usable, and delightful.

Wireframes and user testing

Equipped with knowledge and principles to direct my decision making, I developed multiple wireframe explorations, engaging in design critiques with my pod to refine solutions. Feedback was crucial, guiding decisions on front-end enhancements, balancing simplicity, and efficiency, and building for future scalability.

Explorations on 'calculators'

Pod and Leadership Feedback

  1. Focus on front-end enhancements
  2. Balance simplicity
  3. Build for the future

UX Research and Design refinement

Partnering with the UX research team we conducted a usability test where I created a high-fidelity prototype that could handle math operations as well to adapt the UI based on the user inputs.

'Efficient' variant
'Stepped' variant

Efficient variant received a better response compared to the stepped variant

Think in dollars

11/12 participants typically think in terms of dollars when trading securities.

Efficiency of use

Having all content at glance, allowed users to enter trades quicker, reducing errors, and effort to complete their trades.

Flexibility of choice

Participants praised the easiness to choose quantity or dollar inputs when trading securities.


With a consolidated solution, the next step was to create an accessible experience for screen reader users. A custom accessible experience was needed to properly walkthrough users using a screen reader tool.

Accessibility anotation sample

Development handoff

The insights gathered helped tweak inefficiencies and finalize the high-fidelity UI design to be delivered to the engineering teams.

Happy path experience
Fractional Micro Animation
Arrow micro animations

Key Takeaways

This project exemplified the integration of diverse use cases into a unified trading experience, removing complexity and providing users with unprecedented flexibility. By focusing on user-centered design principles and collaborating across disciplines, we were able to introduce a novel solution that enhances the trading experience for all TD app users.